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Operations and Maintenance Facility South

20th Avenue South street vacation

Thank you for your interest in the OMF South 20th Avenue South street vacation survey. The survey asking for feedback on potential street changes and public benefits closed on March 31, 2024. Sound Transit is currently creating a summary of feedback to share with the City of Federal Way and the community.

Sound Transit is studying alternatives for the Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF) South project. The OMF South would meet agency needs for an expanded fleet of light rail vehicles and is anticipated to bring over 600 high-quality, living-wage jobs in fields such as mechanics and administration. Learn more about the project in the welcome section and on the project website.

In 2021, the Sound Transit Board named the South 336th Street Alternative as the preferred alternative (learn about the alternatives). Later this year, we expect the Board to select the project to be built after publication of the Final EIS.

A map overview of Federal Way showing the approximate location of the preferred alternative site for the OMF South project, and the study area for the proposed 20th Avenue street vacation. The north of the site is located along South 336th Street, the west of the site is located along Highway 99, the south end of the site is along South 341st Place, and the east end of the site follows along Interstate 5.
Location of the preferred alternative site for the OMF South project, and the study area for the proposed 20th Avenue street vacation | click to enlarge PDF.

In 2021, the Sound Transit Board named the South 336th Street Alternative as the preferred alternative (learn about the alternatives). Later this year, we expect the Board to select the project to be built after publication of the Final EIS.

As part of ongoing coordination with project partners and advancing the design for the preferred alternative, Sound Transit will prepare a street vacation application to make street changes associated with the site. Street vacation involves the permanent closure of a roadway.

Potential changes to the street network

If the Sound Transit Board selects the preferred alternative for the project, Sound Transit will propose closing 20th Avenue South, from South 336th Street to South 341st Place. The agency would use this area for constructing and operating the facility, where light rail vehicles will go for cleaning, storage, and maintenance.

  • We would support access and circulation within the community by extending 18th Place South from South 340th Street to South 336th Street.
  • We would also extend 21st Avenue South to connect to South 344th Street to avoid a dead-end street and provide more local connections for emergency vehicles.
Before and after images of the street network. The first map shows the current extents of the streets, while the second shows the proposed changes that would occur if the preferred alternative is selected for the OMF South project, including the closure of 20th Avenue South from South 336th Street to South 341st Place | click to enlarge PDF.

Proposed public benefits

Public benefits are required for the City Council to consider approval of the permanent closure of a street like 20th Avenue South.

The proposed public benefits include:

  • Building a pedestrian and bicycle multi-use path, rather than a standard sidewalk, along the west side of the 18th Place South extension
    • The illuminated multi-use path would be wide enough for two-way travel by people walking, rolling, and biking, and would be separated from the road by a curb and a planting strip.
    • Today, 20th Avenue South has bike sharrows (road markings to indicate a shared lane for cars and bicycles), sidewalks, and planting strips.
  • Creating public space along South 336th Street
    • This would involve creating a small area, about 40 feet wide, for public use along the street frontage on the north side of the new operations and maintenance facility.
    • Design for the public space may include a pathway, overlook to the train yard of the OMF property, and other amenities, such as seating, landscaping, artwork, or educational signage.
A map overview of Federal Way showing the preferred alternative site for the OMF South project and the approximate location of proposed public benefits. Along the new 18th Place South extension will be a multi-use pathway. Additionally, at the north end of the site, greenery and landscaping will be installed with a new public space between the east bounds of the site and the new 18th Place South extension.
Approximate locations of the proposed multi-use path and public space | click to englarge PDF.
A set of two images of potential seating. The image to the left shows a metal bench along a landscaped garden. The image to the right shows raised concrete seating that is built into a retaining wall, with landscaped greenery behind it.
Possible public space features: examples of public seating.
A set of three pedestrian lighting options along different pathways. They are all made of metal, two are topped with lights and the third has a bend in it so the light is pointing down.
Possible public space features: examples of pedestrian lighting.
A set of two interpretive signage examples in park-like settings with historical information and photos detailing local history.
Possible public space features: examples of educational signage.

Street vacation next steps

Sound Transit is currently creating a summary of feedback to share with the City of Federal Way. Following the publication of the Final EIS later this year, the Sound Transit Board will select the OMF South project to be built. If the preferred alternative is selected to be built, we expect to submit a street vacation application to the City of Federal Way in the third quarter of 2024.

For a reminder of what else is ahead for the OMF South project, check out the next steps page.